#5: Archer, Vast, Eye Of The World, music news, and the Enterprise VS Star Destroyer

In episode 5 of The Meddlesome Meeples Show, we catch up with the Meeples, discuss the games Archer Once You Go Blackmail by AEG and Vast The Crystal Caverns by Leder Games, chat about the fantasy novel The Eye Of The World by Robert Jordan, present the music news with some exciting album releases, discuss who would win in a battle between the U.S.S. Enterprise and an Imperial Star Destroyer, worry about Matt pushing boundaries, suspect Heather of being a Disney Princess, and we receive a visit from a galaxy far, far away… 

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This episode was hosted by Matt, Heather and Richard, and featured narration by Greyskarn The Black, Salicia The Wise Woman, and The Assassin. It featured the following songs:
Evil Sword – “Goblin King”
Evil Sword – “Dance All Night”
Astrometrics – “Ram It Up Their Snout”
Pipe Choir – “Ignite To Light”
Scott Holmes – “Happy Whistle”
Eidetic Seeing – “It’s Brick Out”


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