In the Aliens film franchise, after a host victim has been ‘impregnated’ by a Facehugger, the ensuing Chestburster gains some traits of its host, since it uses the hosts genetic material to create itself. This gives rise to a truly Big Talk question: Who would make the most terrifying host for a Facehugger to impregnate with a Chestburster? Matt and Richard discuss this in episode 11 of Tiny Meeples, Big Talk (also available to download as an audio podcast, the Tiny Meeples, Big Talk audio podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Blubrry, and direct from our website).
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This episode was hosted by Matt and Richard, and featured narration by Greyskarn The Black. It featured the following songs:
Evil Sword “Goblin King” – Eidetic Seeing “It’s Brick Out”
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